Step into the ring with a 2,000 pound teacher.

Here’s a hint: there’s no riding involved!
Feeling adventurous? Ready to move beyond ropes courses?
You might be ready for the horses.

It turns out that horses are some of the best teachers around at helping people develop their Emotional Intelligence, teamwork, and leadership skills. And if you think you can’t learn much from an animal, think again. In just one fun and exhilarating day, they’ll teach you more about trust, listening, leadership, and self-awareness than you could ever imagine.

Let us know if you’re interested and we’ll tell you more about how it works!


What was your biggest leadership takeaway
from working with horses?

“Be comfortable with even the most challenging decisions and focus on work toward solution. What was unexpected for you in this leadership experience? Feedback on how others saw me. I still hear some of those words in my mind’s voice as guidance.”

Chief Analyst, Consumer Packaged Goods

“As individuals, we put up guardrails in order to hide our fears and perceived weaknesses. We think we are hiding these fears but they come out and that is what the horse picks up and shows us. The experience showed me to be real. To let my guard down and let people in.”

VP, Sales, Consumer Packaged Goods

Send us a note for more information on The Horse Experience!

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