Who are we?

We exist for one purpose: to train people to master the often messy “people stuff” that robs people and companies of time and energy, and destroys profits, passion, and performance.

We bring a practical focus backed by decades of experience and study, along with a healthy sense of humor. Just because this stuff gets heavy sometimes doesn’t mean we need to take the work too seriously!

Why work with us?

Our clients hire us to teach them how to produce better results in less time and with less stress. Of course, everyone says they want this! But not many are willing to do the work required to get it.

And that’s what determines who works with us. People reach out to us when they realize that things can be better, and they’re no longer willing to settle for what they’re getting. They come to us when they’re ready for something different, that lasts.

What Does It Look Like?

Our work takes place through:

  • Connector.Connector.

    Our signature 4-day transformational workshop or something customized to suit your needs.

  • Connector.Connector.

    Our unique Equine Leadership Challenge called The Horse Experience

  • Connector.Connector.

    Our pre and post program continued growth & support options.

  • Connector.Connector.

    Engaging keynote speeches and facilitated breakout sessions at conferences.

Our work is thought-provoking, energetic, and fun, and it will transform your life.

Are you ready to do The Real Work?

Ready to take action and make some exciting changes in you team and your life?

Get started today!

If you have questions, concerns, thoughts, anything...let's discuss how The Real Work can make your life and business even better.

Start the conversation!

Who’s on the team?

Liz Carey


Company culture seems to be on many leaders’ minds these days. Leaders know that a healthy culture creates a happier, more engaged workforce, and happier, more loyal customers. Creating or changing a culture raises more questions than answers initially. How is a culture created, one that makes employees want to stay? How is a culture changed to support authentic interactions? How is REAL change implemented beyond the employee event?

High on the wish list is a desire for authenticity and a corporate culture that supports honest communication–getting to the root causes of and solving problems, and enabling relationships between individuals, teams and departments to work as they should. The challenge is company leadership often doesn’t know how to get started and ends up with a “team day” that involves rope bridges, trust exercises and no real change.

This is where The Real Work can help.

Hi, I’m Liz Carey, Founder of The Real Work. I started this business because I saw a missing piece in all the leadership, training and team building programs being offered–real, lasting change. So, if other programs aren’t delivering, what is The Real Work offering that’s different? I’m so glad you asked!

First, you won’t find one methodology or approach when you work with me and The Real Work team. Instead, I address what is timely and immediately useful in an often unconventional way. I start with the people and the current environment, asking strategic questions like “What’s needed now?” “What needs to be said?” “What’s the deeper issue being avoided?”

Second, I don’t use tired, old-school methods to work on the issues. We resolve the most pressing and stressful problems your company is experiencing using fresh and useful interactions. These can be incredibly intense and uncomfortable, but this is where The Real Work happens.

If this intrigues you, I’m excited! You understand that real change isn’t easy or implemented in a day. A company’s culture is a living, breathing entity that requires nurturing and follow-up. And hard work.

Here’s what I offer as your guide when doing The Real Work:

  • Over 20 years working in corporate environments in Human Resources, Leadership and Learning and Development
  • 15 years’ work with a Master Coach trained by the famous psychologists Erik Erikson and Louis Ormont
  • An M.S. in Counseling and Human Resources, and a B.S. in Psychology
  • An energetic and committed life-long learner
  • Real change, real work, real results

If you’re ready to do The Real Work for real change, I’m ready to get real with you. Let’s start the conversation today.

Julie Puentes

Business Development & Facilitator

Working in what she calls “her ideal career”, Julie is devoted to partnering with clients to develop their leadership abilities and use them effectively in their jobs, communities, and lives. Committed to the principles of self-awareness and emotional intelligence, she helps people see and feel their impact on others and act with clear intention and purpose.

Julie has combined her life-long passion for horses with her knowledge of psychology and leadership to bring unique and pioneering approaches to learning and development in her coaching and leadership work. In addition, she is the Executive Director & Founder of a nonprofit, HorseLink, a horse sanctuary offering Equine-Assisted programs to veterans and other populations navigating difficult life challenges. She is an approved facilitator in Equine-Assisted Leadership, has a Master of Science degree in Organizational Leadership and Ethics from St. Edward’s University, and Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Texas.

The Real Work is deeply rooted from a long line of executive mentors, teachers, therapists, meditation, and other modalities of personal transformation that have personally trained us. We’ve worked in varied settings including Consumer Packaged Goods, Healthcare, Telecommunications and the IT Industry and have practically applied these tools and have seen it work time and again. This isn’t a wild, disconnected process that has no roots with the people who are helping you. We have deeply studied and have personally experienced The Real Work.

Here are a few of our clients!

Interested in learning more about The Real Work?

Contact us!