What it is!

What it’s not!

  • Connector.Connector.

    A radical experience that will change everything and even more!

  • Connector.Connector.

    Yes, we mean change because The Real Work is out to change how things work! We don’t dance around the word change to make it sound better!

  • Connector.Connector.

    This is the kind of Work that actually makes a difference on an individual, team, department and organizational level and ripples through every employee, whether they are involved directly or not.

  • Connector.Connector.

    Roll-up your sleeves and “dig in” approach that requires true dialogue, self-awareness and critically important self-honesty.

  • Connector.Connector.

    Highly-active, energetic and experiential journey where you’ll be up, moving, doing, talking, expressing and working things out in a completely connected (and maybe a little bit crazy kind of way!)

  • Connector.Connector.

    A truly once-in-a-lifetime experience for people where they can safely and easily say what is really on their minds, what they really want, and what they really think needs to change. Building a true, positive team mentality!

  • Connector.Connector.

    It is, finally, a sustainable experience that won’t be lost in a couple weeks, and forgotten in a few months. Its impact will continue to be a catalyst for further growth and development because the change is inside everyone, a part of who they are and what they do going forward.

  • Connector.Connector.

    See, it can’t be forgotten because it’s not something that is learned. It’s an experience where things are uncovered and it changes the view on everything. Get it?

  • Connector.Connector.

    It’s not a one-size fits all methodology that is an every-day training.

  • Connector.Connector.

    It’s not an academic paper that does very little.

  • Connector.Connector.

    It’s not an unmemorable, boring, sit down training where, in the end, nothing really changes.

  • Connector.Connector.

    It’s not a training that has been done before. This is new, radical and different!

  • Connector.Connector.

    It’s not a shift, realignment of beliefs, or a value/mission statement that sits on a wall.

  • Connector.Connector.

    It’s not a 360 assessment where we go to dig up dirt on people and then write a report you don’t really want to hear about.

  • Connector.Connector.

    It’s not an exercise on how to say things well, listen better, or even be an “effective communicator” although this happens, this isn’t the point!

  • Connector.Connector.

    It’s not coaching, therapy or some weird psychological babble.

  • Connector.Connector.

    It’s not a fluffy, feel good experience. This is The Real Work.